Dark Academia Notion Template? Here Are The 6 Best

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Finding the perfect dark academia Notion template world feels like embarking on a treasure hunt. The right one can feel like uncovering a hidden gem in an old, dusty bookstore.

The ideal template should hit the sweet spot between functionality and aesthetics. Join me as I put on my sorting hat to bring you the 6 best dark academia templates.

What We Will Cover

What Is Dark Academia?

Dark Academia?(1) There’s an aesthetic for everyone in Notion. When I first heard about it, I was totally picturing a scene from Harry Potter. Turns out, I wasn’t far off.

Imagine cozy libraries, tweed blazers, and handwritten notes. Then marry that vibe with task lists, reading lists, study plans; there, you have yourself a dark academia template.

Sound like your thing? Then embrace your inner Harry (or Hermione) and let the magic of these templates take over.

What You Need In Dark Academia Templates

So you’re on the hunt for the perfect dark academia Notion template?

You need something that combines functionality and aesthetics, making your digital space feel like a cozy, intellectual haven.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Let’s look at a few must-haves, and find your ideal match.

Task Management Requirement

Task Management

A Notion template that nails task management is an absolute must-have. Picture yourself juggling readings, essays, and research, all while trying to stay on top of your ever-growing to-do list!

Having a template with features like prioritization, due dates, and progress tracking is essential. These little things keep you organized and help manage your workload efficiently.

I mean, who doesn’t want to stay on top of their studies while keeping with the vintage vibes, right?

Calendars & Scheduling

In my experience, scheduling or calendar function is non-negotiable for academia templates.

A calendar lets you view everything in one spot – class schedules, due dates, activities and appointments. It’s super helpful for seeing daily, weekly or monthly commitments, avoiding conflicts, and staying on track.

Plus, calendars can send reminders and notifications for important events, making sure you never miss a deadline or exam. Yikes… 

Vibe Check

It’s called ‘Dark Academia’ for a reason so anything that doesn’t meet the vibe check won’t cut it.

Dark academia aesthetic is all about moody, intellectual, and vintage feel. Think dark color schemes and handwritten fonts.

When you’re looking for templates, make sure that it nails those aesthetics.

Goal Setting

The last and practical thing to look for is goal setting features.

You have to stay focused and motivated in your academic journey. With features like goal-setting sections, progress trackers, and visual representations of achievements, the template becomes a friendly companion to keep track of progress and celebrate accomplishments.

Who doesn’t want a personal coach making the entire learning process enjoyable and goal-oriented!

Dark Academia Notion Template – The 6 Best

In the market for dark academia templates? You’re in luck.

Using the criteria we laid out above, I used it to sniff out the best templates. 6 dark academia Notion templates made the cut while many more didn’t come close.

Like a good student, I did the homework and listed my top picks for you below.

1. Dark Academia By Paper Py

I’m totally digging this dark academia template! Goal tracking, check. Calendar, check. A place to track your habits and a bullet journal, double check.

It’s got this great balance of style and function that hits the criteria. And the best part? It’s free! (Users have the option to donate to support the creator so contribute if you can.)

2. Dashboard Notion Template By Innovativa Designs

Innovativa Designs

The Dashboard Notion Template (yes that’s its name) is another solid choice. At $5 a pop, it’s got a lot of what we’re looking for.

The calendar and monthly planner are perfect for scheduling jam-packed days. The to-do list? You can’t go wrong.

Now, it doesn’t have features to measure academic progress I’m looking for. But it does come with personal trackers like expense and fitness trackers. There are also extras like daily journals and affirmations. 

3. School Notion Template

For $6, School Notion Template gets you a digital planner that’s really solid for school life. It includes a to-do list and class schedules. 

The weekly study planner is super helpful and not something you’ll find in most templates. The Finals Reminders helps students stay on track for those big exams.

Again, I didn’t find a specific feature for goal setting. Too bad! Still, you can tweak the template to work around that. 

4. Dark Academia Student Planner

You can get this template directly off Notion templates for free.

If you’re only looking to keep tabs on areas of student – income, expenses, courses, and assessments, then this template should suffice.

But there’s no explicit goal-setting or to-do lists, which is a bit of a bummer. If only it had some extra tools for task prioritization, it’d be perfect!

5. Dark Academia Student Template from Prototion

This template from Prototion is like having a personal assistant to juggle class schedules, readings, and even job applications – all in one place!

The master calendar is a literal lifesaver, no more missed due dates or events. And, the daily events list? Talk about an organized to-do list.

However, I wish it had a more explicit goal-setting feature (again, we’re not having luck there). And oh, it’s not free – it’s $4.

6. Dark Academia by SimpleSelfStudios

Dark Academia Notion Template by SimpleSelfStudios

Oh boy, this dark academia template is one of the best! Packed with features, it felt like it had read my mind. Scheduling courses? Keeping tabs on goals? Yes and yes!

From managing tasks to tracking habits, it’s all there. The aesthetics? Total eye-candy. But the cherry on top was the finance tracker – super handy.

This is however the most expensive template on the list. It costs around $12 and it’s available for purchase on Etsy.

Summing It Up

Today, we’ve uncovered 6 dark academia Notion templates that perfectly blend practical features with an irresistible vintage aesthetic.

While each template brings its own pros and cons to the table, the perfect one for you should match your unique needs and style.

Remember, our exploration today is only the beginning. Feel free to start with any of these suggestions then forge your own path to crafting the perfect template.

Verified Sources

Before writing an article, we carefully research each topic and only share information from reputable sources and trusted publications. Here is a list of the sources used in this article:

  1. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_academia