Thanks for stumbling on to my blog.
I’m a small business owner and a bit of a productivity junkie. Here’s my background ‘on paper’:
- Certified marketing technologist
- Pragmatic Institute professional
- Business process automator

Together with my partner, I run a SaaS company, and boy, can that get overwhelming!
To keep the business organized and on track, I manage our product and marketing process entirely out of productivity tools.
Trello, Basecamp, Notion… you name it, I’ve used it.
I’m constantly experimenting with new techniques and software to optimize the way we do things.
What can I say? Work finds a way into everyday life.
I’m sharing how-tos, tips and strategies from work on my personal blog, Focused Bee.
My aim is to help you navigate tools and processes so you can be as productive as possible, professionally and personally.